Tuesday, April 05, 2022



The first reaction to this heart wrenching tale of a  boy who sue’s his parents for his birth, will shake you, and you may cry a lot, you may not be the same ever again. 
Capharnaum, is a movie, about a little boy from Beirut, Lebanon capital. As soon as you see the first scene you know that this is no set, these are not actors, the kids are not white actors or black actors. everyone is real and some of the characters like the judges, are played by retired judges of the place. 

Zain is the main character of the story and he runs away from home, when the abuse and poverty of the parents becomes unbearable. Zain is a beautiful boy who loves his sister, and when theres injustice done to the child of 11 years, he runs away. 
He ends up caring for a strangers baby, and ends up on the streets, under dangerous circumstances. Its out an out a story through the eyes of Zain the child. He ends up in jail for a crime he commits in rage. Not revealing the whole story. I think its a movie to be seen by each human being. The director hasn’t used any hyperbole, or hate, or judgement, or taken sides to show us the situation in Beirut, Lebanon. 

Coming across almost, like a documentary, Zain’s story of child abuse, emotional abuse, his love for his sister, his maturity which happens due to his circumstances, his pain, his tears, his sweet face and those greenish blue eyes.. everything just takes you on a tale which makes you wonder, why, why this pain, why so much pain, why do children, the most defenseless and tender beings, who are in the beginning of their lives, sometimes pay for their parents lacadisical approach to life… In the end Zain sues them and tells the judge to ask them to stop having more children. Maybe he never sees them again, as by now, Zain has grown so much, that he doesn’t need them to take care of him.. After his sentence we don’t know what happens , but wherever he or such children are, I hope they see a better life, i hope, parents procreate more consciously. 
Capernaum also a French word for Chaos.. is the right word for the state the world is in today… Utter chaos… 
Watch it.. Its on Prime. 
